![]() October sales of new homes were up 17.7% from a year ago. But they did take a breather from their September gain, off 5.6% for the month. Buyers should be happy to see the median price down 17.6% from a year ago. The Index of contract signings on existing homes slipped in October. But the National Association of Realtors (NAR) noted, “Home sales are rising in places where more inventory is available.” The NAR added, “newly built home sales are up 4.5% year-to-date due to homebuilders’ ability to create more inventory.” They’re doing just that. Residential construction spending posted a nice gain in October. “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” ~ Philippians 4:12-13 Tragedy struck the home of America’s most popular poet. On July 9, 1861, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s wife, Fanny, was near an open window sealing locks of her daughter’s hair in a packet, using hot sealing wax. It was never known whether a spark from a match or the sealing wax was the cause, but suddenly her dress caught fire and engulfed her with flames. Her husband, sleeping in the next room, was awakened by her screams. He desperately tried to put out the fire and save his wife.He was severely burned on his face and hands. She, tragically burned, slipped into a coma the next day and died. His grievous burns would not even allow him to attend her funeral. He seemed to lock the anguish within his soul. Because he continued to work at his craft, only his family knew of his personal suffering. They could see it in his eyes and observe his long periods of silence. His white beard, so identified with him, was one of the results of the tragedy – the burn scars on his face made shaving almost impossible. Although a legend in his own time, he still needed the peace that God gives to His children. On Christmas Day, three years following the horrible accident – at age 57 – he sat down to try to capture, if possible, the joys of the season. He began: “I heard the bells on Christmas day. But he kept writing – and what did he write? “And in despair I bowed my head: “Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: Just as that Christmas in 1864 was made better for Longfellow, may we experience a Christmas that will be the greatest ever. May we actually find the peace that Longfellow wrote about in the carol – true peace with God, for this is one of His greatest gifts to us. Cindy Glynn |
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December 11, 2023
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